วันอังคารที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556


I guese this is the end. I can't go on with this stupid dream anymore.
I can't continue to bellieve that somehow this dream will come true.
I have to accept the truth. It's always been like this from the start.
You don't see me. You don't look at me. You don't care about me.
No matter how much I tried to reach out for you, you never take my hands.
When I tried to get closer, you walk away. It's always been like this.
I should've realized this a long time ago. I should've known.
From now on, I won't be crazy about you anymore.
cuz it sucks. Loving you really worn me out, and I don't like that.
I don't really know when I started to feel like this.
Before I know it, I felt sad everyday thinking about you.
Love is not supposed to do that to us.
It's supposed to make us happy. That's the reason why I love you at the beginning.
because I was the happiest when I think about you.
I can forgot every pain, every problems just by thinking of how much I love you.
But now it's different. Everytime I think about you my head hurts.
My heart is breaking and I still can't stop loving you.
Every night, before I go to bed, I tell myself that I have to stop.
But when I see your face again the next day, I fell for you again.
And the wort thing is that I love you more and more each time.
I know it. I know why I can't stop.
It's because I was so happy back then and I want to be happy like that forever.
It's because I've change myself so much, a totally make-over.
I was suffering so much for myself to look better so that you will notice me.
That's why my heart just won't stop repeating the mistakes.
I just felt that it's unfair for me. There is a possibility that you might at least like me back.
But every thing will ends before it even starts.

Today, I've decided. I won't waste my time with you anymore.
It's not that I will stop loving you, because I can't.
But I have give up. I have give up with love.
Love sucks. I've never found anything good from love except from destroying us.
Love takes out our energy and play with our feeling.
In my life, people I'm supposed to love, I hate.
People who are supposed to love me, don't.
People I love, don't give a fuck about my existance.
There is absolutely no reason for my to still have hope in love.
It's just a hopeless, meaningless word that human use to call that thing that ruin our life.
I don't want to ruin my life with loving you.
I just hope that time will heal my broken heart and someday I won't think of you anymore.

